HLC - Habitat Learning Centre
HLC stands for Habitat Learning Centre
Here you will find, what does HLC stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Habitat Learning Centre? Habitat Learning Centre can be abbreviated as HLC What does HLC stand for? HLC stands for Habitat Learning Centre. What does Habitat Learning Centre mean?Habitat Learning Centre is an expansion of HLC
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Alternative definitions of HLC
- Higher Learning Commission
- Healthcare Leadership Council
- Harry Lillis Crosby
- Half Life Cheaters
- Heero Lovers Club
- Harrogate Ladies College
- Huntington Living Center
View 136 other definitions of HLC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HES Hafiz Educational Soceity
- HCMS Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
- HSHP Hahnemann Society of Homoeopathic Physicion
- HRWS Haidadpur Relife Welfare Society
- HEWS Hakeem Educational and Welfare Society
- HWTI Hala Welfare Trust International
- HEAP Hallelujah Evangelistic Association Pakistan
- HAAIR Halque Ahbab Adab, Islmabad Rawalpindi
- HEHVS Hamari Ekta Hamara Vikas Samiti
- HWO Hamdard Welfare Organization
- HF Hammda Foundation
- HJCCH Hamro Jivan Child Care House
- HHF Hands for Help Foundation
- HHN Hands for Help Nepal